Canberra Region Kidney Support Group Inc

Links & Contacts

Included below are some links and contacts where more information on Renal related health issues may be found. There are also links to sites that the reader might find interesting or useful.




  • Australian Organ Donor Register
    Register by calling: 1800 777 203
    TTY: 1800 552 152
    TIS: 131 450

  • Diabetes Australia
    1300 136 588

  • National Heart Foundation
    Heartline: 1300 362 787

  • National Renal Resource Centre
    1800 257 189 (freecall)
    or (02) 9362 3995

  • Quitline
    131 848

Please feel free to make a link to our site. If you have a link or contact that you would like added, please e-mail the CRKSG Secretary



Site last updated 06-Jul-2024

Copyright © 2004 - 2024 Canberra Region Kidney Support Group Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ABN 77 396 063 641

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