Canberra Region Kidney Support Group Inc


Meetings are generally held on Saturdays and each meeting should only take around 45 minutes to one hour. Occasionally they may take longer if there is something of significance to discuss, so come along and put in your two cents worth and perhaps have a tea or coffee and discuss any concerns you might have.

You never know, you might have some good ideas about what the Group should be doing! Don't forget this Group was set up to support the renal community and we need to know what needs to be done to provide that support.

Meeting dates/places will be advised when known.

2023 Annual General Meeting

The 2023 AGM will be held on Sunday 10th December at 12:00.The venue will be the 7 Shain Place GIRRALANG.

Flyer may be accessed here: AGM Flyer



Site last updated 18-Jul-2024

Copyright © 2004 - 2024 Canberra Region Kidney Support Group Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ABN 77 396 063 641

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