Canberra Region Kidney Support Group Inc

Renal Carers


As a volunteer group the CRKSG seeks and encourages questions, comments and observations from the renal community (including family and friends) with ways to continually enhance and progress ACT Health and the local surrounding district in our local renal services.

One forum where we may be able to raise the profile of renal carers is the Renal Advisory Meeting (RAM), which is held every month. The RAM is probably the ideal forum for having your views, concerns, requirements, needs, etc., aired.

You can use any of the methods mentioned below to contact us to get your concerns heard. Rest assured, any correspondence received will be passed on to the RAM along with recommendations as necessary. Confidentiality will always be a consideration with any submissions you may make. The postal address and telephone number are listed on the Contact Us page. For email on this subject, please use the link below.

The only way we can put your views, etc., forward is if you tell us exactly what they are!

We will endeavour to advise you of any outcomes from your submissions. This may be done personally where confidentiality may be a consideration or by agreement may be published in the Group's newsletter or on this website.

For further information on your carers representation, see the December 2009 Kidney News. The newsletter may be found via the Newsletters page of this site.

Don't forget you may contact us by post, telephone or email. If you are contacting us by email, please use this link:

If you are just making an enquiry regarding carers, then please change the subject heading to "Enquiry".

Carers ACT

The CRKSG urges all carers to join Carers ACT. Full details of the benefits of joining may be found on the Carers ACT website.



Site last updated 24-Jan-2025

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ABN 77 396 063 641

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